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PostgreSQL and read-only users - the easiest way
1 min read

PostgreSQL and read-only users - the easiest way

Sometimes someone asks you to create a read-only user to let someone connect and consume data, exporting reports, or whatever. In this post, I'll show you the easiest way to create one.
PostgreSQL and read-only users - the easiest way

Here you have the quick recipe:

CREATE ROLE readonly;
GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE mydatabase TO readonly;
\connect mydatabase
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public to readonly;
CREATE USER myuser1 WITH PASSWORD 'secret_passwd';
GRANT readonly TO myuser1;

The deep dive(?)

Let's suppose you already have a well-securitized database with one or more users with the right privileges. If you still don't have your PostgreSQL database well protected, I recently wrote about how to securitize your database access well. You might find it useful.

Okay, so imagine someone asking you to create a read-only user to let an external provider connect and consume data, exporting reports, or whatever.

As we won't want to repeat all this process each time we need to create a read-only user, we'll create a role and then assign it.

So, for creating the read-only role, just type the following:

CREATE ROLE readonly;

We want this role to be able to connect to our database, so:

GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE mydatabase TO readonly;

But, as you might know, this permission is not enough; we need to allow it to allow access to objects in the public schema.

\connect mydatabase
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public to readonly;

As we may want to allow it to access all tables in the database, we'll type:


But, If you only want to give access to specific tables, then type:

GRANT SELECT ON table_name TO readonly;

Now we have the role ready to use, so we're going to create a user and add it as a member.

CREATE USER myuser1 WITH PASSWORD 'secret_passwd';
GRANT readonly TO myuser1;

And that's it! Next time you need to create a read-only user it'll be a quick done task ;-)

If you have any question, doubt, or any improvement, feel free to let me know in this Twitter thread :)

If you found it useful, coffee is always appreciated. Thanks in advance!

More info at

Managing PostgreSQL users and roles