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Media consumption in June 2020
1 min read

Media consumption in June 2020

  • Read 1 books (347 min) and 9 articles.
  • Watched 1 movies (115 min), 15 TV episodes (1155 min) and 0 talks (0 min).
  • Listened to 16 podcasts episodes (617 min).
  • Played 2 video games (149 min).


Do It Today (Darius Foroux)
▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ Progress: 0-100%

Recommended articles

How I export, analyze, and resurface my Kindle highlights (Sawyer Hollenshead)

How I use Shortcuts automations to make life run more smoothly (Joseph Keller)

Why is there a "V" in SIGSEGV Segmentation Fault? (Marek Majkowski & David Wragg)

Your Emails Are 36 Percent More Likely to Get a Reply If You Close Them This Way (Jessica Stillman /

Recommended video games

The Last of Us: Remastered (Naughty Dog)